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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

You do the witnessing

CNS reports that Canada's Pro-Life movement is growing as 20-25k people peacefully marched to Parliment Hill in Ottawa, the nation's capitol.  Zenit reports that the same is true in Italy as 40k marched peacefully through Rome in support of life.  These pilgrims were surprised when another pilgrim, dressed in all white, drove up in his popemobile to join them and encourage them to continue to focus on life.  Good news out of Canada and Italy.

Though you never hear it in the national news, a few people participate in the March for Life in the United States.  In fact, this year for the 40th anniverary march, 650,000 people walked the Mall and ended up at the steps of the Supreme Court.  

That's a lot of people!

That's a lot of buses and flights.  And that's a lot of details.  So if you're planning to lead a pilgrimage  to D.C. for next year's Pro-Life March, or any other year, or you're planning on leading a pilgrimage to a World Youth Day or NCYC, give us a shout.  It's kinda what we do.  

Let us do the work.  You do the witnessing.

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