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Friday, June 27, 2014

9 days in heaven

As we race towards sunrise and the Holy Land at 611 miles per hour, my mind races between my worries about changes at work and the wondrous sites that will be seeing over the next nine days. 

9 Days later

This week everything about having been in the Holy Land is beginning to hit me. Maybe it is the jet lag finally wearing off. Maybe it is verbally sharing my story with others. I don't know for sure, but starting yesterday all of the little things keep coming to mind. In the middle of praying the rosary at the convent during lunch, I could see myself at the spot of each of the mysteries, where Jesus taught the Our Father, and at the sites of the Annunciation and the Visitation (where the Hail Mary were stated). During mass, being at the upper room and Calvary immediately come to mind. It is as if instead of just saying the words of the prayers, the meaning behind them is now much more apparent. That wasn't happening before yesterday, but now everything seems to have that much more meaning. I keep getting goose bumps as it happens. I continue to pray that I can share my experiences am that they might have a similar impact on others as they have had on me.

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